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Forget the Rules & Find Your Calling. Fast.

Catch Me In Action

Speaker Reel

About John


John Marshall Roberts is an inspirational speaker, applied scientist and quantum mindset leadership expert for the emerging  generation of uncompromising aspirational underdogs determined to inspire change and author the future on their own terms. 

In 2008, after a decade of struggle seeking security  by conventional rules, John defied the advice of authorities and devoted his scientist's brain to serving his heart's relentless lifelong calling: to help people activate their spiritual gifts n the practical world. HIs first self published  book “Igniting Inspiration: A Persuasion Manual for Visionaries” soon became a word of mouth bestseller propelled by the disruptively elegant pragmatism of his ideas and  infectious dynamism of his speaking presence.

John has since traveled the globe several times over sharing his frame-shifting ideas stories and methodologies with thousands worldwide, including  engagements hosted by the world’s most respected institutions including:  the US White House, UCLA, George Washington University, Presidio University, Unilever, 3M, Time Warner, Sprint, Sustainable Brands, Johnson and Johnson, Williams-Sonoma, General Mills, and the New Zealand Department of Conservation.


In 2014, John cracked the Voice Code, the world’s first comprehensive scientific map which reveals the natural laws that orchestrate human behavior and the timeless unifying  principles which make mankind’s most cherished spiritual traditions actionable in the everyday practical world.

In the past, those seeking to lead successful lives following their highest calling and creative passions faced long risky road of struggle and uncertainty, while those who  embraced the safe proven conventional career paths were virtually guaranteed to achieve some measure of stability, security & success. But today the risk profile has flipped completely. Now those who  “play it safe” are on the most perilous path by far.

Scientific discovery helps faith-friendly grads find their life’s calling and  thrive without compromise in today’s disruptively uncertain job market.


Speaking Topics


Authority: Follow the Call

We’re at a breaking point. One where graduates and young adults seeking gainful employment are bending over backward trying in vain to land mediocre  positions that fail even to offer the baseline levels of stability, security and professional growth opportunity they need and desire. What if there’s a better way? What if today's demoralized job seekers could change the game from the inside-out, tapping the same quantum forces that govern mother nature to become a force of nature doing what they love?


Join this next generation leadership visionary  as he shares his own divinely orchestrated journey to uncompromising self-authored thriving culminating in a truly staggering discovery: the world's first simple step-by-step scientific path to help your audience find and fulfill their true divine calling in record time.

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Resonance: Find Your Voice

In the 20th Century, mastery of strategic persuasion to manipulate and control others minds was the golden ticket to success in the world of commerce. But today that zero sum mindset is fading fast as a new breed of creative pragmatists thinking from a radically more efficient "both/and" worldview takes the throne. Like all mysterious outliers of influence in history these paradoxical pragmatists are masters at influencing not through clever persuasion but through inspired soul- resonant invitations that foster shared vision and catalyze communion in those ready to hear and follow the call. 


John propelled his unlikely rise by activating this same inspired quantum shift in audiences while teaching them the logic behind his seeming magic. Let him give your audience this same “unfair advantage” in the service of their most audacious and worthy aspirations. 

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Trust: Be the Change

Since the dawn of the 21st century, the traditional top-down “command and control” leadership model has proven increasingly toxic and ineffective at solving problems and summoning our better angles. In its place, an infinitely more empowering and resilient species of capitalism has been quietly taking over. The pandemic of 2020 christened our global entry into what promises to be a quite volatile disruptive decade of polarization and irreversible change as an inspired cadre of upstart luminaries strives to topple the old guard and usher in a new ethos of equality, creative empowerment and renewed faith in the universal brotherhood of man. 

Let John bring refreshingly simple actionable scientific clarity to this culminating saga of the industrial age, outlining the 3 key spiritual principles and natural laws at play along with the 4 developmental stages through which all are now being called to evolve in order to thrive in the new "both/and" era emerging. 

*Each keynote can be delivered live or in virtual format Half day, full-day and 3-day workshop

immersions are also available for more in-depth interactive outcome-based group learning experiences.




"Working with John and this process was the most challenging and worthwhile thing I have ever done.  I was feeling stagnant in my career and in my life, but since finding and distilling my my calling and mission 9 years ago have seen a sea-change in my personal and professional trajectory.  My path has been unfolding with clarity ever since - accepting every step along the way as part of the journey and seeing my vision for the change i want to see in myself and the world come to life more every day."

Jamie P, Anthropologist, Atlanta

“I have to abandon words as a means by which to describe the intimate journey of my being this work lead me along. John’s insights and practical methodology closes the gap between knowing better, and doing better. On behalf of all mankind... sincerely, thank you!”

Trisha E, Entrepreneur, Massachusetts


“I was an executive on a mission for pathways to transform my company. That is where I first met John Marshall Roberts.I found myself transfixed by the most captivating speaker I had ever seen.I had never experienced anything like John’s presentation before that moment. It is not easy to describe how he could engage and transfix so many different types of people into deep consideration of expansive ideas. John made each person in the rather large crowd think he was talking to them. And he was. The best I’ve ever seen.”

Russell G, COO, Los Angeles

“John has crystallized a new map to actualize the magnificence of the human spirit. This message is powerful and critically important to our world where the human spark is in danger of flat-lining:”

David H, Philanthropist, Virginia


“I was struggling in a deep hole of confusion and oppression dealing with complexities of life including tragic circumstances where I could see no way forward. I prayed for truth and help and Jesus sent the answer in the person of John Marshall Roberts. When you commit to the journey of transformation with John, your life will be transformed into one of hope, purpose, and joyful delight doing what you love and were called to do, no matter what your starting point. I am so excited for the opportunity that you now have because I know what awaits you!” 

Kay R, Professor, North Carolina


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